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Transfer of credit for educational work taken at an institutionally accredited institution as recognized by the US Department of Education may be accepted. Previous coursework must be submitted on an official transcript. Credit will normally be allowed for applicable courses in which a grade of “C” or higher has been earned. Coursework is evaluated according to your selected program. Time and program selection may be factors in determining credit. Some technical credits older than five years may be subject to review by the Records Office and the appropriate faculty/dean. Courses under the five-year limitation are determined and reviewed by academic deans, and a list is maintained in the Records Office. You may be requested to provide prior course descriptions and/or documentation demonstrating required knowledge before credits are accepted.

If you’re seeking transfer credit from international institutions, your college transcripts must be translated into English at the student’s expense by an agency approved by NACES, such as World Evaluation Services (WES) or Global Credential Evaluators (GCE).

In the event you disagree with the results from the transfer of credit evaluation, you may appeal to the Committee on Admissions, Academic Continuation, and Records in writing.

Transfer students must earn 25% of the credits required for graduation in your particular program at Isothermal Community Col­lege (see Graduation Requirements). Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Committee on Admissions, Academic Continuation, and Records. All transfer students will enter the College in good academic standing. Once enrolled, academic standing will be determined by grades on coursework taken solely at Isothermal Community College (reference Awarding of Credit Policy 401-02-07AP).

Transfer of Credit within the Institution
Students transferring from one curriculum to another within the College may be handled in the same manner as transfer credits from another institution. Courses designed for satisfaction of North Carolina Community College System ap­proved college transfer degree requirements may be accepted in Associate of Applied Science degree programs; how­ever, courses designed for career preparation in Associate of Applied Science degrees, diplomas, and certificates may not apply to above referenced college transfer degree programs. Cumulative grade point averages (GPA) are normally continued when changing programs. The GPA for graduation is based only on the courses required in the program.

Other Credit
Credit may also be given in the occupational areas for non-collegiate and military educational experiences. Time and program selection may be factors in determining credit.

Credit by Examination
Any student at Isothermal Community College may receive course credit by examination through one of the following five methods: 1) Challenge Exam, 2) CLEP Exam, 3) Advanced Placement Exams, 4) North Carolina High School to Community College Articulation Agreement, or 5) Diagnostic Exam in Academic Development courses.

Challenge Exam
Students may request permission through the appropriate academic dean to challenge a course through a comprehensive exam for credit. Only those courses for which tests have been developed and have been filed in the dean’s office may be challenged. Please be aware that courses taken using challenge exams do not qualify for financial aid and may not be transferrable to another institution. The procedure for challenging is as follows:

  1. The student must be registered for the course, have paid proper tuition, and have approval from the instructor.

  2. If the exam is failed, the student must continue the course.

  3. A course may be challenged only once and must be done during the first week of class.

  4. If the exam is passed, the student’s grade must be submitted to the Records Office during the first two weeks of the semester. This grade will be recorded as a “CE.” Note: “CE” grades are not acceptable for the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement between the North Carolina Community College System and the UNC system.

Advanced Placement (AP) and College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
College credit may be awarded if appropriate conditions are met by Advanced Placement (AP) or College Level Examination Program (CLEP) test scores. Isothermal Community College academic credit will be granted to enrolled students who receive scores of 3 or higher on the AP tests offered by the College Board. CLEP is granted for scores in the 50th percentile or higher. Credit may be considered only for those courses that are in the student’s academic program. AP and CLEP credit accepted at other post-secondary institutions is not automatically transferred to Isothermal Community College; however, it is reviewed when official scores are received.

North Carolina High School to Community College Articulation Agreement
North Carolina high school graduates may be awarded college credit for certain high school courses when transferring to Isothermal Community College. Criteria are controlled by the Department of Public Instruction and the NC Community College System and are subject to change without notice. The following criteria must be met to receive credit:

  1. Grade of “B” or higher in the high school course,

  2. A score of 90 or higher on the CTEpost-assessmentt,

  3. In order to receive articulated credit, students must enroll at Isothermal within two years of their high school graduation date,

  4. Apply to Isothermal Community College in a related major.